Thursday, January 29, 2009

Godless Bastards

Phil Zuckerman says it isn't so bad to skip Sunday school: I agree with a lot of what he says, though drawing on Sweden and Denmark to prove his point is a little shaky. Their stable society isn't so much a religion/secular thing as it is cultural. They checked in their Viking shit a long time ago and have been pantywaists ever since, eschewing pillaging for churning out hot chicks who dig peace and stuff. I've always thought of the great line in "Trading Places" by Coleman (Denholm Elliott) as fairly instructional: "Religion is a good thing, I say, taken in moderation." Certainly, the rise of Islamofacism has made a lot of people rethink religion as a whole while most definitely curing them of any inclination that the entire Islam thing isn't just downright nuts. I'd go with Scientology before signing up to be a muslim any day. As a starter, they have hotter women and have that space travel thing going for them. I think they can have pork ribs, too but will probably need Cruise or Travolta to give a ruling on that. Also, I'm really not interested in hanging out with 78 virgins in paradise or even Waco for that matter. Probably better just to float around and annoy other ascendants. Maybe ask Jesus about the real skinny on that Shroud of Turin deal. Could also maybe see once and for all if God can hit a fucking one iron.


Glenn Gunn said...

The main stream media cannot separate its own world view from religion. So, it believes that suicide bombers really act in the name of their god.

As a christian, I believe that God's guidepost for the human race on earth is JC. This belief distinguishes christianty from all other religions. Perhaps due to years of cultural influence (brainwashing?) I cannot conceive a world view that excludes the Son of Man (especially one based on God driving a spaceship modeled on a DC8).

Taras Bulba said...

I've become a rastafarian (reformed).