Thursday, January 22, 2009


I think Dave McCoy needs to post here: His bullshit is a cut above what you typically see from the Angelinos.

I was a little surprised that Eastwood didn't get any love for "Gran Torino." Maybe he took one dump too many on the desks of some of the no talent ass clown Oscar voters--who knows? I haven't seen "The Wrestler" or "Milk" to know whether O'Rourke or Penn is the guy, but I'm thinking from what I've read that one of them is going to get the award. Penn's perfromance may indeed be better--he's an immensly talented actor but he's a dickhead among dickheads, so I'm defintely for Mickey for no other reason than to see Hugo Chavez cry like a little girl. I'm guessing that "Slumdog" will get best picture. If nothing else, the movie serves as a great reminder of why I never, ever, ever want to visit India. Give me Nuevo Laredo any day of the week. You might get shot by Zetas but you can get the quail and cabrito platter and frog leg appetizer for under fifteen bucks. Adelante!


Taras Bulba said...

Here's Dana Stevens of Slate's take:

nimdok said...

Since LBK (life before kids) I have only been to the theater to see 3 movies that weren't animated, and "Revolutionary Road" was one of them. Bad call on my part (actually it wasn't my call, but who's throwing stones). Anyway, Mr. McCoy nails it, at least on "Revolutionary Road".

I am hard pressed to understand the wailing and rending of flesh (from most who care about such stuff)over Winslet's omission from the "Best Actress" category for the aforementioned waste of celluloid. Hell, she played a woman who is depressed after 15 or so years of marriage. You call that acting? It's what women do, sort of a natural progression. Comes natural.

Every other actor/actress in the movie did a better job than she.

Other than that, I can't say.

Ruprecht said...

"Penn, a dickhead's dickhead." TB, you are the man!

Weren't you guys saying DOUBT was outstanding? Tough topic.