Monday, January 26, 2009

The Scots Bard

Poe is 200 and the Scots do him one better with Robert Burns turning 250. A writer over there has a wee bee in his bonnet regarding not Burns, but his fellow countrymen: I liked Burns okay, I guess, though he was tough getting through sometimes when you were focused more on coeds than the destiny of field mice. His poems did inspire many, however, including some misguided individual who named a motel on LaSalle Avenue in Waco the "Tam O'Shanter." I doubt many expatriated Scots stayed there as it was mostly geared toward the local gentry in need of an evening or afternoon of rest and relaxation along with the wayward Baylor student segment searching for a similar type of knowledge. Ask Shellback about the glorious Tam sometime, though his experience was a little different.

1 comment:

nimdok said...

Maybe I'm missing something...what else would one do at the Tam O'Shanter?