Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hitchens on Islam and Self-Censorship

I don't always agree with Hitchens, but he's one bright lad one hundred percent of the time: http://www.vanityfair.com/politics/features/2009/02/hitchens200902. A nice read on the unrelenting backwardness coming from the Muslim world and the limp wristed response from the West. Hitchens does state that to be "literate" you need to have read something by Rushdie or some other Indian poet or writer. Uh, I've read a lot of Flashman novels that depict Sir Harry's exploits with various Indian lasses--does that count? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?


nimdok said...

Was given a copy of "Satanic Verses" when it first came out. I have tried to read it on several occasions, and never quite got "hooked" enough to finish it.

So just go ahead and color me "illiterate" or, to use the more appropriate vernacular of the inbreeding unwashed masses, "dumb as a stump".

Taras Bulba said...

Another good story from Hitchens, this one on Hillary and her wild claims about being under sniper fire in Bosnia: http://www.slate.com/id/2187780/.

nimdok said...

I remember reading that when it first came out.

How soon we forget.