Thursday, January 15, 2009

Woodward on W

Bob Woodward who has spent considerable time hanging around with Bush and snooping under desks for juicy tidbits offers some criticism of the Bush White House in hopes that Obama can benefit: Obama is no doubt bright and will probably avoid some of Bush's mistakes, but he'll be sure to step on his dick a lot during his time in office--it's unavoidable no matter how smart you are and besides, Michelle says he's packing. Get it? Get it? Anyway, I remain a little dumbfounded at the often times paltry advice that Bush received along the way combined with his seeming inability to weigh and evaluate evidence. It appears that Obama is surrounding himself with some smart people and I hope he gets the input he needs and knows what to do with it. Of concern to me is the number of Clintonistas coming aboard--not so much regarding whatever baggage they have from Bill's Happy Happy Fun Time, but when they inevitably clash with "outsiders" in the White House and the four (or eight) year pissing contest for favor with the president ensues. That's not even considering the circus that will develop with Lady Hillary (hereafter known in this blog as, Princess Broadbutt). Speaking of big asses, I used to see Ann Richards around a lot and she had a butt as broad as a doorway. Little known fact there for you. Also, she sat behind me once when I went to see "Master and Commander" and talked all the way through the goddamn movie. That's probably why she lost the election to Bush. Say what you want about him but he knew when to shut the fuck up at the movies. I drove by the state capitol once on a cold, blustery Sunday and saw W out on the lawn by the Terry's Texas Rangers statue throwing a football around with some of his buddies. Should have rolled down the window and shouted, "Take the commissioner of baseball job, George. It pays better and you won't have to take shit from the New York Times." It's all my fault. I suck.

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