Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"Irrational Intelligence"

Kacie Glenn (not pictured at right) reviews a recent work by Keith Stanovich regarding a host of questions related to intelligence, including dubious decision making by intelligent people: http://chronicle.com/temp/reprint.php?id=6pfm8ytzbg1p8n5p2vl4rrcmwvckp31x. What neither Glenn nor Stanovich are willing to say out loud, apparently is the well known fact that certain people, though bright, don't have much in the way of horse sense or what the old man referred to as "not having sense enough to pour piss out of a boot." I see it all the time. Close to my office are several apartment complexes that seem to house a significant number of students from the Far East, namely China. These are undoubtedly smart kids and they probably screw up the curve in every chemistry or math class they take. However, they have no idea how to cross a street, make much in the way of an independent decision, or god forbid, successfully steer an automobile. It's really incredible to watch and I've been doing it in this same spot for about 18 years, so it's gone somewhere beyond anecdotal.

This is why the Red Army will never defeat us.


nimdok said...

Well, I feel better now, knowing that I really wasn't to blame for a few of those bone-headed decisions of mine...

Also, spent a few years in San Francisco. Lived close to Chinatown, and my apartment was right above a 4-way stop. Never once saw a far-easterner look anywhere other than straight ahead when they came to that intersection. Not a single time.

Glenn Gunn said...

The only missing element between them and a new world order is one brilliant, charismatic madman to lead a sea of red sheep. Wing Attack Plan Zed?