Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sound Reasoning from Cambridge

The guy who wrote this piece is a Harvard PhD candidate. Really. What a dipshit. What a university. Nobody associated with the place has enough sense to pour piss out of a boot. Because Al-Jazeera reports "differently" that gives them credence, according to this bright young man. Hah-vud has the largest endowment of any university and has cranked out this same kind of muddle headed *thinker* for at least the greatest part of my lifetime. What a crock.


nimdok said...

I fear for this country when such tripe spews from the pens of our "best and brightest".

I wonder if the author has taken the time to re-read his observances. Maybe then he would realize that - aside from being little more than a self-congratulatory piece about his being so sensitive and such a "man of the international community" - his arguments actually go quite far in pointing out that Al-Jazeera cares less about the misery of the residents of Gaza than the Israelis do. The more the better, they would say. Not only does such death and dying produce great television, it shores up arab support of the war to annihilate Israel.

Taras Bulba said...

Flipping through channels last night, I stumbled on the Daily Show and Jon Stewart had on the U.S. bureau chief of Al-Jazeera. This same Jon Stewart, skewer of all things Bush and asker of hard, HARD questions to idiot Republicans sat there and lobbed the puffiest softballs in the history of poofery (England excluded) for the segment. Obviously, he wanted to be sensitive to the cultural differences of our Arab friends and to tread lightly on such delicate matters as beheading journalists and deliberately killing civilians and the annihilation of that Israel place and all. What a fucking hypocrite.